Discussion of 2 Chronicles 7:14


"If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

Even a cursory study of God's Word and history makes it clear that the God of the Bible — the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, Peter, James, John, Stephen, Paul, Timothy — the God of Polycarp, Thomas Becket, William Tyndale, Charles Spurgeon, Martin Luther, Jim Elliot, Fanny Crosby, Helen Keller, Joni Erekson Tada — THE God (YaHoWaH) is not so much interested in our physical or material comfort as He is in the condition and destination of our immortal souls.

He tells us in Jeremiah 29:13: "And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart."

In this "Laodicean Church Age" in which many in the Church are neither hot nor cold but are asleep, mindless and apathetic to the things of God, El Shaddai has gone to great extremes to get our attention and wake us up before it's too late. If you don't believe me, just look at all the "natural" disasters He's permitted in the last 10-15 years: killer tornadoes; hurricanes/typhoons/cyclones unprecedented in their destruction; deadly tsunamis; earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; devastating floods and whole town-engulfing mud slides. Also, consider.....

  • the "Great Recession" in which the world finds itself embroiled, and the fact that, in spite of the many G10 & 20 emergency summits, there is still no remedy for the financial collapse of the world's currencies.

  • the tens of thousands who are dying around the world today from new viruses for which medical science has not yet developed technology to even define, let alone treat or cure!

    And the Church's response? Hit the "snooze" button, change the channel, and go back to sleep.....!

    The Revelation

    God's Word often speaks about our hearts being soil or ground. For example:

    • Hosea 10:12
      "Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground. For it is time to seek Yahweh, until He comes and rains righteousness on you."
    • Matt 13:5
      "Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth..."
    • Matt 13:8
      "And some fell on the good ground and yielded fruit..."
    • See also... Mark 4 and Luke 8.

    So, when He tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that He will heal our land, He isn't merely talking about healing our physical soil-plants-and-water homeland or country.

    What He has been trying to do is till/stir up/turn over the fallow ground of our HEARTS . . . . to awaken us . . . . to revive us . . . . to make us alive . . . . so He can pour into us that which we will desperately need from Him in the days ahead.

    It isn't enough to simply go to church, attend a few prayer meetings (if they don't conflict with other activities), and then go back home to our computer games and TV shows. Like the five wise virgins in Matthew 25 who were fully prepared and ready for the Bridegroom when He came unexpectedly, we need to prepare our homes and our hearts . . . . repent for wasted time and prayerlessness . . . . actively stay in His Word and seek Him . . . . and look up . . . . for "our redemption draweth nigh!" Hallelu YaH!!!

    Copyright © 2010 Rev. Linda Smallwood

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