Christ, the Fullness of TruthCAPTIVE TRUTH IN WORLD RELIGIONS If you closely examine cult movements that have a major impact on society, there is always an element of truth that empowers them, and yet is embedded in serious error. These truths should be expressed through the children of God, but have been largely ignored or rejected by the church. The Jehovah's Witness cult is a perfect example of this. In a time when most doctrines taught in the church promoted everything other than Christ ruling and reigning on the earth in and through His people, the JW's began proclaiming the kingdom of God to be established upon the earth, and yet they denied the divinity of Christ. This truth of the kingdom of God come to earth and many more truths have been stolen by the enemy, and need to be reclaimed by the people of God. TRUTH TAKEN CAPTIVE BY PRIDEFUL DIVISION IN THE CHURCH In the body of Christ, the enemy has used the pride of self seeking of men to entice them to error mixed with truth. The enemy uses half truths and mixture to ensnare men into either believing a falsehood, or rejecting a truth because it comes with the mixture of destructive lies. PURE DOCTRINE FROM A PURE HEART In contrast, misconception of God is the seed of false doctrine. False doctrine is the result of an impure heart that does not see God as He is. Only the pure in heart may see Him as He is. If you think Jesus Christ (Truth) is something He is not, all of your conclusions and beliefs reflect your false image. False doctrine is an expression of something other than Christ. We do not come into fullness of truth by seeking it in other religions, even though we may recognize it in the places it is held. We receive fullness of truth as Father reveals personally to us His divine nature and purposes which are found in Christ. The fullness of truth in Him is meant to be expressed in and through His people who walk with His mind and heart. CHRIST THE FULLNESS OF ALL THINGS We are transitioning into the fullness of times. Father is summing up all things in Christ. All truth will also be summed up in Him. The truth that has been abandoned and taken captive by the enemy will find it's rightful place in His body. It is the very fullness of expression of Christ and His truth in and through His Bride that will liberate elements of truth taken captive by religions, cults, and sects. This gathering of all truth to the place it comes from (Christ) is the very key to releasing from bondage those held captive by religious falsehood. When the Bride of Christ begins to walk out the kingdom of heaven here on earth as Father intends, the Jehovah's witnesses will flock to the Lord Jesus in recognition of the fullness His kingdom truth. When the church as a whole begins to render a divine "submission" and obedience to God that surpasses the dedication and submission required of Islamic people to their deity, we will see the fortress of Islam begin to crumble. Politics and guns will not save the church from the advance of false religions. It is only by becoming the expression of Christ and the fullness of who He is (truth) that we will see the demise of deceptions of religious strongholds. Everything belongs to Christ, and all things will summed up in Christ and into submission to His rule. Let's not fear the intimidating threats of Islam, or fret over the false doctrines and errors of men's teachings that lead others astray, Let us preach and teach and be the expression of Christ and His kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven. Christ in Me Chronicles ![]() |