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Prophet, Lunatic
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Eternity — Smoking
or Non-smoking?

What must I do
to be saved?

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What will happen after you die?

If you suddenly died and found yourself standing before God's Judgment Throne, what would you say to Him? Since He demands absolute perfection, what would you say to convince Him to let you enter His perfect, undefiled Kingdom where there is no sin?

In this generation of 'enlightenment', people want you to believe that 'sin' is an obsolete concept. They say it doesn't matter what you believe... that "truth is relative"... that all that matters is if you're a good person. Well... it sounds okay on talk shows, it doesn't offend anyone, and it makes everyone feel good. [After all, that pesky guilt thing can really interfere with you having a good time!] And that would okay if we never had to die in order to find out who's right and who's wrong. That brings me to the purpose of this website. I want to convince you that...

All Gods and faiths are not equal!
Whoa! I can hear you gasping in disbelief. In this 'New Age' of knowledge and tolerance, people don't want to hear that they may be headed for certain destruction. And they surely don't want to hear that they're sinners. What they refuse to understand is that the Bible says...

We're not sinners because we sin...
We sin because we're sinners!
I am amazed at how many reasonably intelligent people throw logic out the window and try to persuade you and themselves that all religions are the same, that all that matters is if you're sincere. However, logic dictates that...

Truth, by definition, must be exclusive!
That applies to the world religions, too. Either one is right and all the others are wrong... or they're all wrong! But one thing is certain: they cannot all be right! Either Jesus is God or He's not! You cannot remain neutral on that point...

I want you to know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is all-inclusive! You're just as worthy of God's free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as anyone else. Being a 'good' person won't cut it — but giving up and letting Jesus Christ do it for you is the Key that opens Heaven's doors to you!

If you have any questions, please email me. I would be honored to help you sort things out, welcome you into the family of God, or pray for you!

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