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We support the following global evangelistic ministries:

Taking Bibles to countries where they're hard to get or even illegal

Heart-language talking Bibles for missionaries in third-world nations to use for evangelism and Bible study groups

Watch the 'JESUS' film in YOUR native language!

FREE Bible downloads:

FREE Audio Bible downloads in 400 languages or versions - perfect for evangelizing!

FREE Bible software, many versions and translations, commentaries, dictionaries, maps -- perfect for in-depth study!


"As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent...
Night is coming, when no one can work."

John 9:4 (NKJV)

What do these men, women, and children
have in common with Jesus?

Which ones would YOU say 'no' to?

Jesus said to him,
"The foxes have holes, and the birds of the sky have nests,
but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head."

Luke 9:58 (WEB)

The photos above are of real people in real distress — not temporarily, but for most, permanently. They represent millions in Asia and Africa who will go to bed tonight under the stars with no place to lay their heads and with great hunger — not only in their bellies, but also in their souls. Tonight, hundreds of them will die while they sleep...

...and most will die without ever having heard the good news that there's a living Savior who loves them with an everlasting love and who promises them eternal life with Him! Most of them are hoping they were good enough to enter Paradise, many of them are thinking they might have been good enough. But in the end, they will die without knowing for sure...


Copyright © 2003-2010 My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry.
Site donated by LetterPerfect Online™

This ministry is a member in good standing of:
World Prayer Team Presidential Prayer Team United Christian Ministries International

Evangelical Fellowship of India National Association of Evangelicals World Evangelical Alliance