Preface In May 2006 God told me, "Teach My name to the Church." I thought it was an odd request because at the time, I believed His name was Yahweh or Jehovah and that most Christians already knew those names, plus the compound names Yahweh-Jireh, El Elyon, Yahweh-Rophe, El Shaddai and a few others. I had no idea I was embarking on a journey of study and discovery that would take almost four years to research, write, edit, rewrite, and finally publish in this "Name & Attributes of God" teaching! I also had no idea how much more intimate Father's and my fellowship would become or how passionate and jealous I would become for His true name during the course of researching and writing this study.
"Let them praise the name of the LORD: for His Name alone "And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." Apostle Peter, quoting the Prophet Joel: Apostle Paul, quoting the Prophet Joel: The question has been asked, "What is God's name? Does He have a name?" But what HE is asking is who or what power or authority under Heaven gave us permission to change it?! HE chose to reveal Himself in the Hebrew language as The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved . . . that His name is excellent and majestic . . . that there is power in His name! It is only by His abundant grace and mercy that He honors our ignorant fumbling of His most-exalted name and our ascribing to Him the same titles given to the millions of pagan and false gods. YHWH alone is the God! ![]()
His name is not "God"! His name is not "Jehovah"! And as you prayerfully consider the evidences laid out in this study, I believe you will agree with me that His name is also not "Yahweh" (as I had thought prior to this) or "Jehovah"! At no time did He give us permission to change and pervert His holy (set-apart) name for our convenience in pronunciation or usage! The Psalmist asks, "What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?" (Psalm 8:4 KJV) And YHWH now asks, "What is man, that you should disregard and discard the name of the Most High God for other names to accommodate your desires and comfort?!" What arrogance and impudence on our part to believe He doesn't mind when we change His name for easier pronunciation or when we ascribe to Him the same titles ("Lord" and "God") that are assigned to the millions of pagan and false gods in the world! While we must take every precaution to not use His name carelessly (in vain), my prayer is that through these studies, you'll also come to realize how passionate HE is for us to know His correct name as He revealed it to Isra'el, and how much more power and authority is available to us when we ascribe to Him all "the glory due His name!" (Psalm 96:8a) As you study the name and titles of our Most High God, please remember that this is a continuing work in progress primarily because it is difficult, if not impossible, to find agreement among Bible scholars and translators when it comes to the proper transliteration of a name that's not been used for 2000 years. Thus, the neutrality and factual accuracy of this study may be disputed. This teaching is a summation of those ideas and conclusions on which most sources agree. As I continue to study this topic, I may find, from time to time, a need to revisit and rewrite what I am presenting here. What difference does it make what name I use?
Thus, as the Bible makes it clear to us that names are important to a person's identity, should we think it would be any less so when God reveals His personal name and attributes to us? Obvioulsy, the name and titles God uses for Himself in the Bible reveal His characteristics who He is, what He is, what He does, what He can do, and who or what He wants to be in our lives, both individually and collectively. When the Bible uses the phrase "the name of God" or "in the name of the Lord", it refers to His total person all that He is. God's name is excellent and majestic, as in Psalm 8:1 O "Hallowed be Thy name..."? What does that mean? What does it mean to you? It doesn't mean to reverence the words "God" or "Lord". It means to set His name apart, to exalt it thereby exalting HIM as being worthy of absolute devotion and reverence. Who is God to you? God knows each of us by name: Revelation 3:5 [Y'shua speaking to Apostle John] "The person who conquers in this way will wear white clothes, and I will never erase his name from the Book of Life. I will acknowledge his name in the presence of my Father and his angels." Shouldn't we know Him by His? As you get to know God by the actual name and titles He ascribes to Himself not the names/titles we imperfect, iniquitous humans have substituted for His name your view of Him will change. He will become bigger, more majestic, more holy, more able to meet every one of your deepest needs, and more worthy of your heartfelt devotion and worship.
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