![]() Table of ContentsLinda's Opening LetterWho 'We' Are **The Names of God Yahweh & Jehovah** |
Greetings, dear friends! As most of you know, I went back to the States in April to visit my family. We had a great time, as this was the first time I'd been home in more than 2½ years; and I was especially blessed to be able to spend so many days with my mother (she's paralyzed from Multiple Sclerosis and living in a nursing home but at 79, refusing to give up!). Here are some photos of me with my family. ![]() ![]() ![]() Left: Linda, brother Bill, Mother (affectionately known by all my Indian 'kids' as Ruth Mom), and sister Mary. Center: Linda and Ruth Mom on Resurrection Sunday. Right: Sister-in-law Linda, brother Bill, Ruth Mom, sister Mary, and brother-in-law Paul. God did a marvelous healing and restorative work in my family, and I'd love to tell you more about it but I'm afraid I'll start crying, short out my keyboard, and then never get this newsletter out.... I'll just tell you this much: No matter what's going on in your own life or family or how long it's been don't give up on God. Thankfully, He didn't give up on my family; and even after 17 years of strained and detached relationships, our family is now reconciled and reunited as one again! Hallelu YAH!!! Last month, I told you this ministry was involved in an Ordination ceremony. Actually, we've ordained two new pastors, one in May and one in June. To find out what that's all about, click here... Concerning the >study of God's names, I know some of you still don't understand why I'm teaching about it or why I think it's important to God. Please bear with me as I try to answer that here. Think about this: What if you never had an opportunity to know personal things about your spouse, your girlfriend or boyfriend, or your best friend? As two people spend more time together and get to know one another, their love usually grows stronger and deeper because of what they've learned about each other. But what if your husband or boyfriend never took the time to get to know the 'real' you, the person inside? What if he didn't know or care what your favorite color is, or you love to cook exotic dishes and experiment with new recipes, or that you were the head cheerleader in high school? You men, what if your wife or girlfriend never cared why all your old chums call you "Chief", or that you led your high school football team to three straight championships, or your dream job would be to work in a veterinarian's office because you love animals so much? What if that 'significant other' in your life always addressed you as "wife", "old lady", "old man", "husband", or "hey you" but they never called you by your name, or by any pet terms of endearment.... Think about it. How would that make you feel....? The Messiah has a name: Jesus (Yeshua). So, also, the Most High God of the Old Testament has revealed Himself by His names the primary one, ![]() As we continue our study of God's names, I pray that God will ignite a flame within your heart and soul to fall more in love with Him through the knowledge of His names, and to share these teachings with others. ![]() Your sister & servant in Christ, ![]() My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry Because of the volume of e-mail I receive, it is impossible for me to respond to every person who writes. If you have an opinion or question, please understand that I will not offer personal advice or debate theological issues. You are welcome to send your opinions, corrections and questions, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond. If you're looking for some good Bible study sources, I suggest Bible.org - Trustworthy Bible Study Resources, Blue Letter Bible Study Resources, Precept Ministries International, and Shepherd Serve all of which offer hundreds of pages of well-organized teaching articles and Bible studies. |
![]() To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world. Back to top |
![]() YHWH / Jehovah "Let them praise the name of the LORD: for His Name alone is excellent; His glory [is] above the earth and heaven." Psalm 148:13 (KJV) Editor's Note: As there is considerable variance among Bible scholars as to former customs and translations of the oldest, most important, and most frequently-used name of God in the Bible, the neutrality and factual accuracy of this article may be disputed. What follows here is a summation of those ideas and conclusions on which most scholars agree. Still don't understand why it's important to know God's names? The purpose of man the reason we were created is to worship and glorify God. "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31). In order to truly worship and glorify God, we must not only know about Him, but we must know Him personally based on what we know about Him. The word "glory" in the Greek New Testament is "doxa", which means an opinion, estimation, or reputation in which one is held. It refers to all that we give to God as praise, thanksgiving, obedience, reverence, and service because of who He has revealed Himself to be and what He does (past, present, and future The many names God gives us about Himself in the Bible impart to us revelations of His character, His works, and His relationship to us. It's in the knowing and understanding of these names that we gain greater insight, love, respect, and reverence for who He is. The Messiah has a name: Jesus (Yeshua). So, also, the God of the Old Testament has revealed Himself by a name. I believe, as Bible Scholar T. E. McComiskey so rightly wrote, "a blessing is lost when no attention is paid to the difference in usage of a title and the actual name of the God of Israel." The name YHWH is used more than any other name in the Bible. Of all the names of God, the one which occurs most frequently in the Biblia Hebraica (Hebrew Bible) is the Tetragrammaton (from the Greek: "word with four letters"), which is spelled (in the Hebrew alphabet) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Most litterateurs agree that the Tetragrammaton is a form of the Hebrew root "Havah" ("to be" or "to exist"). Thus, YHWH becomes "He who brings into being" (cf. Exodus 3:12, 14: "I will be with you" and "I will be who I will be"). According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, the Tetragrammaton appears 6,828 times in the Hebrew Bible. Other Bible scholars say the name appears approximately 5600 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, while yet another source claims the name is used more than 7000 times in the Old Testament and 1000 times in the New Testament. Regardless of which numbers are correct, we cannot overlook the fact that God obviously wants us to know His name, most likely for what it reveals about who He is! ![]() Used more than any other name in the Bible, YHWH is first seen in Genesis 2:4: "This is the history of the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that YHWH God made earth and the heavens." However, God did not reveal Himself to mankind as YHWH until Exodus 3:14 when God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM," and "You shall tell the children of Israel this: 'I AM has sent me to you.' " Then later in Exodus 6:2-3, He said to Moses: "I am YHWH; and I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty; but by My name YHWH I was not known to them." From the choice of words in the above-referenced Scriptures, it's obvious that God desires us to understand the manner of His character; that He wants us to know, not only His name, but to know Him through His name! Exodus 14:4 further supports the view that the name YHWH embodies aspects of God's character. It says: ". . . and the Egyptians will know that I am YHWH." It isn't likely that God intended in this declaration that they would simply learn the name of the Hebrew God. There is a strong element of Divine self-disclosure within it. The modern spelling includes vowels to assist in pronunciation. Many pronounce YHWH as "Yahweh" or "Yahveh" (Yä-wá or Yä-vá); but the exact pronunciation has been lost to us for several centuries. Some people render the four-letter name as "Jehovah". God's personal name was so sacred to most Jews that they didn't want to write or even speak it for fear of violating the commandment "You shall not take the name of Yahweh your God in vain, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain" (Exodus 20:7) and "You shall not profane My holy name, but I will be made holy among the children of Israel. I am Yahweh who makes you holy." (Leviticus 22:32) Thus, the Jewish practice was to read "Adonai" (Hebrew "Adonay"), meaning "Lord", in place of "YHWH" (Adonai means "master" or "sovereign ruler" and generally denotes authority and position). And they read "Elohim" in place of the Hebrew compound name "YHWH Adonay" to avoid the duplication of Adonay (Elohim means "mighty one" or "strong one"; it denotes the power and pre-eminence [conspicuous glory] of God). To remind the reader that he was not to pronounce "YHWH" but instead was to read the word as "Adonay", they placed the vowels of Adonay (a-o-a) under the Tetragrammaton YHWH, thus creating ![]() ![]() Today the English transcription "Jehovah" is used by many English-speaking Protestant Christians and also by Jehovah's Witnesses. Most modern scholars, however, believe that "Jehovah" is an implausible rendering, based on their belief that the written form ![]() The American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible uses the name "Jehovah" (5818 times), whereas most other English versions, unfortunately, continue to translate YHWH as LORD (capital letters), not to be confused with "Lord" (Adonai/Adonay). The King James Version of the Bible uses the word "LORD" 5557 times. The only English Bible I've found that uses the name "Yahweh" consistently (5794 times) is the online World English Bible, which I use for most of my Scripture references. Regardless of the editorial decision of substituting LORD for YHWH or of using the name "Yahweh" or "Jehovah", we must keep in mind that Yahweh or YHWH is the name that God used in revealing Himself to His ancient people. In reading the text of the Old Testament, it is my hope that we would develop an affection for usage of the name itself over such usages as "God" or "Lord" (see Exodus 3:15; Psalm 102:15-16; Psalm 113:1-4; Psalm 135:1-6; Psalm 148:13). In next month's newsletter, we'll study the names "Adonai" and "Elohim". Bible.org - Trustworthy Bible Study Resources Blue Letter Bible Study Tools Elwell Evangelical Dictionary Judaism 101 Wikipedia the free encyclopedia 2001 MT-based public domain update of 1901 American Standard Version (ASV) Previous Month's "Names of God" Bible Study, "How many times does God reference the use of His name?" Back to top |
unless God be in it, you are doomed for failure" John Edmond Haggai |
God has recently granted me the awesome privilege of ordaining two new pastors: one in New Delhi, India and the other in Tanzania, East Africa. As you're no doubt wondering about this turn of events, here's what happened: On my way back to India from the States the end of April, the idea came to my mind to expand my ministry to include ordination of select, qualified pastoral candidates. Immediately recognizing that it could be a 'flesh' thing desiring prominence or notoriety, I prayed silently in my spirit (not letting the Enemy know my thoughts or questions and not telling it to anyone else) and asked God to confirm if the thought was from Him or not. I asked Him, if it was Him, to bring someone whom I hadn't met or known before, specifically requesting ordination (which I had never publicized anywhere), and to bring him through an unusual way. In May, I received an email from a young man in New Delhi, asking for hands-on ordination. What made it unusual to say the least is that he came to me via my business website, not any of my ministry websites; and he used an email address that isn't published anywhere on the web! (Later, when I asked him how he found that address, he couldn't find it again...) So, being convinced that it was indeed God, I brought together three other pastors and two of their wives on 15th June. While the wives covered us in prayer, the pastors each examined Haulianthang (Thang) and his wife, Rosemary. After several hours of close examination, being thoroughly satisfied concerning his calling, education and gifts, we enjoyed a meal together and then anointed and commissioned Thang to God's service. The next day, being aware of her need to support her husband in his ministry and convinced of her dedication to him and to the Lord, we also anointed and prayed for Rosemary. ![]() ![]() ![]() Left: Thang, Linda, and Rosemary. Center: Linda tying the sash on Thang's ordination gown. Right: Thang and Rosemary feeding cake to each other. On both days, God's presence during the anointings and prayers was clearly manifested among us with many tears, visions, words of knowledge, and spontaneous worship. It's one of those things you can't explain; you just have to experience it...! As for the ordination of the young man in Tanzania: After I became convinced that it was God's desire for this ministry to ordain a few select individuals, I made the news known to my affiliated ministries. And when my 'son', Innocent Yogusa in Tanzania, requested ordination, I wasted no time in confirming him, as I've known him for several years and I've believed since the first day we met that God had called him to full-time ministry. Now... I know most of you know that a certificate doesn't validate a ministry. It is God who calls us and God who approves us, not man. But since we have to deal with other-worldly people on a daily basis and many of them do take notice of certifying documents and titles an official ordination frequently permits us access to arenas which might otherwise be closed to us. (In case you feel compelled to debate this issue with me, don't waste your time. God's ways are higher than your or my ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts or prejudices. The manner in which He brought Thang to me was such that I cannot or rather dare not question whether His theology lines up with yours or mine!) |
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No one but the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies. No one. To do so meant death. Two of Aaron's sons died when they entered the Holy of Holies in order to offer sacrifices to the Lord. (Leviticus 16:1-2) In no uncertain terms, the curtain declared: "This far and no farther!" What did fifteen hundred years of a curtain-draped Holy of Holies communicate? Simple. God is holy . . . separate from us and unapproachable. Even Moses was told, "You cannot see My face, because no one can see Me and live." (Exodus 33:20) God is holy, and we are sinners, and there is a distance between us. Isn't this our problem? We know God is good. We know we are not, and we feel far from God. The ancient words of Job are ours, "I wish there were someone to make peace between us." (Job 9:33) Oh, but there is! Jesus hasn't left us with an unapproachable God. Yes, God is holy. Yes, we are sinful. But, yes, yes, yes, Jesus is our mediator . . . Is not a mediator one who "goes between"? Wasn't Jesus the curtain between us and god? And wasn't His flesh torn? What appeared to be the cruelty of man was actually the sovereignty of God . . . We are welcome to enter into God's presence any day, any time. God has removed the barrier that separates us from Him. The barrier of sin? Down. He has removed the curtain. "He Chose the Nails", Copyright © 2002, W. Publishing Group, Nashville, Tennessee Back to top |
Isaac Watts (1674-1748) |