My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry Website

This Christmas...
Give a Gift in Someone's Honor or Memory

Fill in the form below and after submitting your offering,
we'll send a colorful email greeting of your choosing to your recipient within minutes.
If you don't know your recipient's email address, or you want us to send a Hallmark paper card
via postal mail (minimum gift $10), be sure to provide their complete mailing address, including the country.
Gift is.... in honor memory of:
[Notice: If you want to honor more than one person, list them in the "Additional Names & Addresses" field below, or use an additional form for each name, but only submit your offering for multiple gifts once.]

Title (Mr., Mrs., Rev., etc.) .....Full Name:

Nickname: .....* Email:

1st line Mailing Address:

2nd line Mailing Address:



Postal/Zip Code: .....Your Country:

E-Card Style:......World Candles......Peace Dove......Bethlehem Star......Hallmark Card by PostHallmark Card

Additional Names & Addresses:

Gift is from:

Title (Mr., Mrs., Rev., etc.) .....Full Name:

Nickname: .....Email:

1st line Mailing Address:

2nd line Mailing Address:



Postal/Zip Code: .....Your Country:

Gift Amount:
[Notice: If you want to honor more than one person, list them in the "Additional Names & Addresses" field above or submit an additional form for each name, but only submit your offering for multiple gifts once.]

I am sending a one-time gift via credit card or e-check* or Postal delivery**
.....$5 .....$10.....$25 .....$50 .....$

I am pledging a monthly gift via credit card or e-check* or Postal delivery**
.....$5 .....$10.....$50 .....$100 .....$

My church will take a love offering once a month and send via credit card or e-check* or Postal delivery**

Submit Form:

After you click the "Send" button above, a page will appear for you to confirm the information.
After you confirm the information and click the "Continue" button on that page,
another page will display a button to donate online* and our physical address for postal delivery**.

My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry
is a non-denominational, Christ-centered Free Ministry and Missions Society.
In accordance with IRS Code § 508(c)(1)(A), all donations are tax-deductible.