My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry Website

Share Christmas with These Precious Children!

Street children - beggars - in south India2 poor brothers at a school in ZambiaMany of the children we're trying to help have lost all hope of ever moving beyond their current plight. For them, Christmas is just another day, nothing special. While you celebrate the holiday with your family and friends, some of these children will be trying to find one morsel to quiet their hunger pangs. In fact, many of them have missed so many meals that they don't know what it feels like to not be hungry!

The "lucky" ones may eventually be 'adopted' into brothels or as shrine prostitutes. The rest, unless rescued by the mighty hand of an Almighty God, will barely survive on the streets as prostitutes or by stealing or begging....

God has enabled 3 of my partner ministries to provide a safe home, food, clothing, and an education to 76 orphans and abandoned children in India and Kenya. These children have either lost both parents or their mothers are too poor to care for them. These are the truly "fortunate" ones who will wake up Christmas morning in a dry bed with a roof over their heads, a nutritious meal, and people who care about them:
  • 20 children at Hope Home in Kenya.
  • 40 children at Banjara (Gypsy) Home for Girls in India.
  • 16 children at the Nishantham Memorial Children's Home in India.
Four other ministries in India, Kenya, and Zambia are trying to help more than 600 poor or destitute children:
  • Poor and orphaned children at Living Water Group Centre in Kenya>500 children in the MYAC School in Zambia. They currently receive 1 nutritious meal every school day.
  • ± 60 children and their families, many with HIV AIDS, at Living Water Group Centre in Kenya. Last year they were thrilled to receive a meal, Coke, and a new T-shirt!
  • ± 15 children, 2 with sickle-cell anemia, at Ramah Nursery School in a refugee camp in Tanzania. They are currently receiving 1 meal a day through the nursery school.
  • ± 50 children at Redemption Ministries & Welfare Society in Pedakakani, India. Most are Muslims and a few Hindus whose families are so poor that they encourage their children to go to the Christian church for any handouts they can get — where they're also learning about Jesus!

What we're trying to do goes beyond just meeting their basic physical needs with food or clothing. Many of them have never celebrated even one Christmas, and a large number have never heard the Christmas story. We want them and their families to actually see Jesus working through us!

Y'know.... with all the devastation that's hit our own country as well as the rest of the world in the past couple years, I hate to write a letter like this. I know that those of you who are inclined to give have already given so much! I know that!

Banjara (Gypsy) girls at a home in south IndiaStill, I have to ask....

If each person receiving this email will give just $5, we will be able to provide a nice holiday meal for the children and some of their families, give each child a new outfit or shoes and a toy of their own. In fact, with such a great outpouring of love, we would be able to meet all of these children's basic needs for an entire year!

Click here to go to the Gift order page and share your heart with a loved one!