Spiritual Conflict - Is Conflict Wrong?It seems everywhere the apostle Paul went he had conflicts with unbelieving Jews and those Jews who were "believing" Judaizers, yet he loved them enough to be separated from God eternally to save them. Engaging in genuine Spirit led conflict is really all about love. Jesus is jealous for His bride; He is not pleased with anything or anyone that would defile and distract her from Him. Love confronts wrongs to protect others. When you really love people you give them what they need, not always what they want. Love desires peace, and love sometimes confronts for the sake of deliverance and restoration in order to establish and maintain peace. Paul would have been kicked out of most modern-day churches because He didn't mince words and tolerate error and sin. Paul understood clearly that what was allowed in the body would bear fruit after its own kind. He confronted "head on" the heresy and sin that threatened to destroy the foundation of Christ he was laying. Today, the toleration of self-serving doctrine and self-serving flesh has resulted in many people practicing a powerless form of godliness. If you are a mature discerning part of a gathering of believers, and they are being led astray by someone who is teaching them error or enticing them to immoral practices, it is expected of the mature to make judgments about the sin and error and confront those promoting them. You don't need a sign from heaven to rescue a child from abuse, you simply do it. I have learned the hard way the consequences of not confronting someone in the place where I had spiritual responsibility and influence. By God's grace I will never again keep silent and go along with the crowd while the enemy is using people to inject things in the body that defile it. We must learn to know what it really means to speak the truth in love when the Spirit moves us; even when it is hard to do and you might lose a ministry, a friend, or family member. JUDGING ALL THINGS VS. FINGERPOINTING There is a difference between the pure in heart who have simply been taught false doctrine and practices, and those who are promoting false doctrine or practices from a root of self serving. We should not be blasting people with pure hearts who are seeking to know God and are still on the journey out of religion. While not compromising truth, we must learn to discern, honor, and in love give grace to brothers and sisters who are of pure heart. Yet we must also know by the Spirit what must not be tolerated in the ekklesia, and we must not fear to confront on the level of public or private platform upon which it is promoted. If evil seed is spread broadly, it must be dealt with broadly. Paul confronted Peter in front of the whole assembly because it was in a very public manner Peter was promoting falsehood. (Gal. 2:12-14) And yet when a brother sins against us personally we are to go to them privately. (Matt. 18:15) NO TOLERATION The Jezebel Jesus judged was not a spirit. A spirit is not given time to repent as Jesus does in the book of Revelation. Jesus was confronting a flesh-and-blood person who was leading God's people astray. This Jezebel of "Revelation" is an example of what must not be tolerated in the body of Christ. Those who teach others in order to lead them astray. I have been learning through experience and great failure things that God does not tolerate, nor will He let the church tolerate them in the years to come. In nearly every case of error or sin that needs confronting there are a few constants I have seen, though it may not be limited to these. The constants I have seen relate to either legalism or the license of lawlessness. These are manifestations of the tree of the knowledge of good (legalism) and evil (license). Legalism Any requirement or demand we place upon men that is not a directive of the Holy Spirit is a law that kills. The requirement to follow certain rules, to be part of a membership, give tithes, and demands for submission, etc.; all of these are laws placed upon people that rob them of spiritual life in Christ. These are not God's requirements, but the doctrines of men or devils. License of lawlessness is the unrestrained pleasing of self, which manifests as Paul writes: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, quarreling, rivalry, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revelings, and such like. About these things I tell you again, as I have also told you in times past: that those who do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. We are soon going to understand why God is Love, and He is Holy, Holy, Holy. His love demands holiness for our good. There is no peace with these Spirit Life killing things or unrepentant people who promote them. These are things that defile and destroy the Life of Christ in His people, and as these are tolerated, all aspects of the life of Christ are diminished within a group of believers. Not tolerating those who promote these is an expected stance for the body of Christ. When error or sin is allowed to spread within a group, the level of spiritual power and spiritual discernment plummets to the point of people not being able to recognize what is of the flesh and what is of God. This loss of spiritual power and spiritual vision is the price paid for tolerating false doctrine or immoral practices. THE NEED FOR STANDARD BEARERS Christ in Me Chronicles ![]() |