John 14:6 "I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life." John 8:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:58 (The name translated "I AM" in English Bibles is the name God used to introduce Himself to Moses in the Old Testament) The statements above are just a few of the claims Jesus of Nazareth made concerning His eternally-existent Deity. I know . . . I know . . . Most people these days don't think of Jesus that way. It makes them uncomfortable. They prefer to think of Him as "a good man", or "a prophet among many prophets" and some will even go so far as to say, "He certainly had God's hand on him!" But, they just can't or rather, won't acknowledge that He was the long-awaited promised Messiah, God incarnate. Now . . . sit back . . . take a deep breath . . . try to put your preconceived notions aside . . . and just think about this for a moment.
Stop and think about that for a moment. Would we really look at someone making those kinds of claims today and call him a "good man" or a "prophet"? That's absurd! Surely, anyone making those claims would be considered a candidate for a padded cell. We'd think he's either psychotic . . . or a sociopath . . . or a pathological liar . . . or a pretty decent actor! But, who in their right mind would say of such a man today, "He's a good man," or "He's a great moral teacher," or "He's a Prophet sent by God"? Those are not labels or titles we use for liars, charlatans, or the hopelessly deranged! In a nutshell, Jesus being merely a "good man" is logically impossible. Here's why: If He is not God, then He must have been a very accomplished liar or actor, deliberately misleading the multitudes; or He was a lunatic, sincerely believing Himself to be God, when He was really just a man. However, how can Jesus possibly be a "good man" and crazy, or a "good man" and a liar? Really, there is only one logically-consistent alternative: He was telling the truth. There are no other choices!
He wants to be your personal Savior. He wants to set you free from sin's penalty (which is death) and welcome you into His family. He wants to give you peace, freedom, real joy and eternal life. Jesus once asked His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" You now have to answer that same question . . . and then decide what you will do with Him!