Who 'We' Are
Whether you need counseling, someone to agree with you in prayer or just a caring friend, feel free to contact Linda. She will be happy to assist you or refer you to the proper resource and she'll do it in a spirit of compassion with no shame, condemnation or judgment. for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1 ESV) Pastor Linda founded My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry in 1999. In response to correspondence with several indigenous ministries in India and parts of Africa, Linda felt called to be a liaison between them and Westerners who might be able to sponsor their ministries to children, widows, lepers, and the destitute. She not only launched some enthusiastic supportive projects of her own, but actually moved to India in 2003, believing that would enable her to be more personally active in their ministries. However, as Linda's health began to decline, we changed our objectives and now exist primarily as an encouragement and prayer partner to these indigenous pastors and missionaries. Pastor Linda now limits her activities to maintaining her online teaching and counseling ministries. We also provide ordination under the banner of My Redeemer Lives Christian Ministry (for those who meet certain criterion) to pastors in India, Nepal, African countries, and Pakistan. She has also stopped providing free websites for indigenous Indian ministries in favor of the growing popularity of the social media arena. Nevertheless, we have not abandoned these ministries, only changed our perspective and approach to assisting them. We continue to pray for them, and as the Lord enables, we support the following called men and women of God for the work of ministry whether through financial and material gifts, Bible training, Bibles, ordination, or evangelistic materials. Last Age MinistryPakistan | Living Hope & Ramah Nursery SchoolTanzania | Nepal Charity Missions Redemption Ministries & Welfare SocietyIndia | Siloam Evangelistic MinistriesIndia | Solidarity Int'l AcademyNepal Sovereign Grace ChurchPhilippines | Unreached Gospel MinistriesIndia Will you partner with us in helping to spread the Gospel message to those who are lost? The time is short . . . the End is near . . . the fields are white for harvest and the workers are few. We need your help! is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction..." (James 1:27 ESV)
"If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, In other words . . . although salvation is a free gift from our extravagantly-loving God, being a Christian comes with responsibilities; we shouldn't think of it as a "free ride"! Will you help?
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