Why Does God Love Us?
It Doesn't Make Sense!


I'm a cat person. I can't help myself. I just love cats! They not only bring me a lot of joy, but they keep me humble.

I have a cat here in India, Holly, who is the love of my life. But she's like all other cats — demanding, spoiled, and self-centered. I click and cluck and smooch and pat my leg and call her all the cute little names I can think of, trying to get her to come to me. And much of the time, she refuses to even acknowledge my existence. BUT. . . . when she wants something from me, then I'm supposed to jump up and wait on her hand-and-foot! And sigh(!) I usually do — not because she deserves it, but because I love her that much and I want her to be happy — and I want her to want to be with me....

That made me think about how God must feel sometimes. Much in the same way as I do with Holly, God whispers and coos and calls me all those pet names that only He and I know, inviting me to come and sit at His feet or even climb up on His lap. But sadly, sometimes the cares of this world are so whelming that I barely hear His voice above all the noise and bustle around me — let alone respond.

That thought brought me to my knees in tears. To think, the King of the universe wants to spend time with me! He wants me to sit with Him . . . . to curl up on His lap and let Him wrap His arms around me . . . . to put my frail, trembling hand in His and let Him be my strength . . . . to nestle so close that I can hear His heartbeat....

WHY?!? Why does this awesome, bigger-than-life God of all creation want a relationship with me??? It certainly isn't because I'm good. Most of the time, I'm not. He knows that. There's no sense in pretending otherwise. I am not a good person! As the Apostle Paul wrote: "For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwells no good thing." (Romans 7:18a) Oh sure, I do some good things sometimes, but if God's love and desire for me depended on my goodness, then I'd be doomed from the start!

And sadly, so would you....!

No . . . . thankfully, God's love doesn't depend on our goodness. The simple truth — the one woven throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation — is that God doesn't love us because we're good. He loves us because He's good!! He defines "good"!

He delights in you and me! It pleases Him to bless us! In fact, the Bible says that God's love for you and me is so intense, so extravagant, so outrageous, that it pleased Him for Jesus to go to the cross for us (Isaiah 53:10), and that even while we were sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8)! He wants to freely give us all things! He wants us to take refuge in Him. He loves to see us happy, and He hurts when you and I hurt.

He wants to be your Healer . . . . your Savior . . . . your Deliverer . . . . your Provider . . . . your King . . . . your Lord. He wants to be your Father . . . . your All-in-All.

In God's "kitchen", there's a dish with your name on it. It contains all the nourishment and refreshment your weary soul needs — and more. You don't have to do somersaults or jump through hoops. You don't have to be "good" or follow someone's list of rules. All you have to do to get Him to serve His heavenly manna of love, mercy, and grace to you is ask!

"Is it not wonderful news to believe
that salvation lies outside ourselves?"

Martin Luther

by Rev. L. Smallwood. Copyright © 2007

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